Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Very Busy

I have been very busy adding more items to Poppy's Scroll Saw Woodwork. There are many more to come so check out the store for the newest items.

What kind of things have we added ? Clocks, Welcome Signs, Key Holders, Nature and Fish Plaques, Native American Plaques, and Indian Shield Mirrors.

Things here have been going well. My daughter turned 10 on Sunday.

A couple of us got a stomach virus on Monday.

And the kids are counting down the days until the week off from school in February.

Lots going on.

Anyway, off to write a new hub. Am working on a great idea for Givers and Takers hub. We will see how it comes out.

If you get a chance check out Poppy's Store for the new additions which are also discussed in Poppy's Blog.

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