Monday, April 27, 2009

Yard Sale Jackpot

A couple of days ago, our neighborhood was having a yard sale. Normally, I don't go to yard sales but the kids and I were bored so we decided to take a walk and look around. The last house we stopped at had a huge plastic bin full of Beanie Babies. Kaitlyn and I were sorting through them because she loves cats and wanted to get some kitty ones. The lady at the yard sale saw us looking through them and said if we wanted the whole bin, all we need to pay is $8.00. Of course, my daughter went crazy. I asked her where on earth she was going to put them all and of course her answer was simple, I can find places.
There were 200 Beanie Babies in the bin. Most were retired and Limited Edition. Every kind of Beanie Baby imaginable. Most still have the plastic tags covering the tags. We looked some of the limited editions up and saw that some are worth $15 or more.
Well, Kaitlyn did her best to put them anywhere and everywhere and even gave about 15 of them to her brother.
This morning when she went to school, I went for my morning walk. When I came home, I thought it would be a cool surprize her and help her spread them out in her room some more, so I emptied a book shelf I had downstairs and moved it into her room. The above pictures are what her room looks like now with all her new Beanie Baby friends.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Been Awhile

I know I haven't written in a while but I have a couple of things I have been working on. First of all the store is doing great. April has been a really good month for us and so far we have sold 4 plaques. I am so excited about that. I also recently discovered since I started the Mother's Day Sale that I could extend my sales to Paypal shoppers. It was much easier than I thought and so hopefully I opened up the potential for more sales using Paypal.

I also started using twitter as of today. I still don't know what the hell I am doing there but I will figure it out. Twitter allows you to send tweets and you have the opportunity to join twibes. Yea, like I said, still learning all about it. I promote through many different places and I noticed recently that a lot of my fellow sellers on ecrater are using twitter. After asking a few questions about it, I decided that it can't hurt to try it.
So if you use twitter and want to follow the store and me, heres the address

The kids have been busy this week taking the county test at school, the CRCT. They have a test every single day this week.

My husband's mother is still going through chemo. She is doing okay but doesn't want to eat and is really tired all the time, so please keep her in your prayers.

Me, I have a major project going on and once I get closer to completion, I will share it with everyone. So when I am not online updating sites and all, I spend my time working on this project.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Woodwork Added To Store I Just Love

I was really excited to see this new plaque added to our store . Poppy's Scroll Saw Woodwork
This plaque is called " Head of this Home ". The inscription on the plaque says " Christ is the head of this Home, the unseen Guest at every meal, the silent Listener a every conversation ".
It is a beautiful plaque. My dad gave me one and I just love it.

The weather here is finally getting better. We have had a lot of rain and storms. The good thing about this is that with all the rain, we are very close to ending the drought from last year. The lakes are getting a lot fuller.
Hopefully, the cold weather is over so I can get some tomato's and green peppers planted.

I have been working on the website for Poppy's Scroll Saw Woodwork. I got rid of the trivia tab because trivia wasn't working out so well. I added another new woodwork tab because people like seeing the new additions to the store. You can check out the website by clicking here

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's A Great Day

The countdown is on and my hubby will be home from Egypt on Friday night. Today, he will be at the hospital with his mom and then later he takes a 5 hour train ride to the airport. From there he flies into Cairo and will stay there until he leaves Friday to come back to the U.S. His flight should come into Atlanta at 11:30 pm. Lots of cleaning and all today and tomorrow to make things really nice when he gets home, though am sure he won't be awake long because he is going back to work on Saturday morning.

My other bit of super exciting news is that yesterday, Poppy's Scroll Saw Woodwork made its first sale. We sold two scroll saw plaques. Yippie !!!! That is the first hurdle one has to jump when getting a new store off the ground and we made it over the hurdle.
Also, the website that I built got a lot of hits yesterday which is great also. It seems like all the promoting and hard work is starting to pay off.

It was so exciting calling my dad last night and letting him know that he has two plaques that sold. It was great hearing the excitement in his voice also.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What happened to Spring ?

The weather is crazy and I can't wait for it to be Spring. Today, we are in the 50's and under wind advisory until 2am. Then tonight, we are supposed to be in the 30's. Not just that, they are talking about snow flurries here in Atlanta. Tuesday, the highs are 45 and the low is 29. Ugh !!!!

I am excited that my hubby is coming back from Egypt Friday night.
His mom is going into the hospital today to start chemo again. I hope that everything turns out the way they hope. I am happy that my hubby got to go and spend time with his mom. I know that it doesn't make things any easier for him and a part of me is sure that he is torn between coming home and leaving his mom.

My husband was excited yesterday because his niece gave birth to a baby boy. I would try and spell his name but I am sure I would misspell it horribly.

Kids are upset because Spring Break for them is now over and they had to go back to school today. Um, wish I could share their pain lol. We had a lot of fun over Spring Break together and they were very happy so that is all that is important.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Busy Week

This past week the kids were out for Spring Break. We stayed busy playing games and driving here and there. On Tuesday, we went to my husband's cousins house in Calhoun. He took the kids and I out to dinner and then we went to the movies and saw " Race to Witch Mountain". That was an excellent movie.
On Wedensday, we drove back home. Thursday, we had plans to go to a place called the Yellow River Game Ranch, however, rain and storms kept us home.
On Friday, I took my two kids plus two of their friends to the game ranch. It is an amazing place. 24 acres of open area, where the deer run free and will walk up to you and let you feed and pet them. Squirrels come and take peanuts from your hand and we even had a few climb up our pants legs to get peanuts from us. Wild cats, bobcats, several types of fox, black bears, coyotes, buffalo, were just some of the animals you could see in special pins. Goats, pigs, sheep, rabbits, and so much more ran freely in the game ranch and would come up to you to feed and pet them. We had so much fun that we walked through it a second time.
Last night, the two friends of the kids stayed over and they all played playstation and shot pool down in the garage.
I am guessing that they stayed up all night because right now it is 12:15 in the afternoon and none of the three boys are moving.
I learned that mom isn't so cool when friends are over. LOL is okay though, I was happy to see all of them having fun. I stayed up really late playing Monopoly on Pogo.

Poppy's Scroll Saw Woodwork is having a special Easter sale this weekend only. Check out the blog and store for more information.